Friday, July 20, 2012

Renaissance of Auto Manufacturing

The KPMG Global Automotive Executive Survey 2012 tells a couple of great stories. You will find that it shows most auto execs are optimistic about the immediate future. That includes hiring. They do see the need to increase payrolls. Excellent analysis of that from our friends at Crain's Detroit Business.

Manufacturing is never going to be the huge employment wheel house that it was in the 20th century, but it is still critical for the future of our American communities. Here in Michigan, auto may have been knocked down, but the champion is getting back up.

On the other hand, the KPMG survey also shows that the auto industry is much more global that it was in the 20th century, and as I said to a 58-year old friend who still has his pony-tail, it is never going to be 1972 again.

This survey shows the need for reinvention. It also shows that is happening. Hopefully this will lead to the renaissance of manufacturing.  However, we have to realize that auto manufacturing is no longer just about Michigan. Auto manufacturing is global. We have to make sure Michigan has a place on that concentric circle around the globe.

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