Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Restore The Roar: Farm To Fork by Rod Kackley

Restore the Roar: Manufacturing Renaissance
Farm to Fork
By Rod Kackley

All Rights Reserved ©2012 Rod Kackley Lyons Circle Publishing 


This book is part of the Restore The Roar series focusing on the entrepreneurs of Michigan.
This series was inspired by a quote from Paul Graham in Randal Stross’ book, "Launch Pad.” Graham was discussing the idea that the United States is “better” than Europe because the U.S. has more entrepreneurs, more people. He dismissed the concept by saying Europeans are not less entrepreneurial because “they have less balls than Americans. They just don't have the examples of entrepreneurs that we have.” 
Graham is exactly right.  We do have more examples of entrepreneurship. And we can be led by those examples into what I think is a new era of self-reliance and entrepreneurship. I am going to explore that by presenting just a few of the entrepreneurs I talked with in 2012.
In Restore The Roar: Farm to Fork, we are going to look at the entrepreneurs of agriculture, not just farming but also food processing. It is a tremendous growth industry in Michigan.

Start Reading Chapter One >>

The Restore The Roar series of ebook essays -- beginning with The Great Collapse -- is available wherever ebooks are sold including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iTunes.

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